Lunos ALD-R 160

Lunos ALD-R 160

Regular price €209.50 Sale

Availability: In Stock Out of Stock

Vendor: Partel UK


For new or existing buildings, with weather protection grille


The ALD (formerly called ALD-R 160) outer wall air vents serve as passive inflows for living rooms and bedrooms. It is mainly used in combination with LUNOS Silvento series exhaust air units and in combination with the 9/MRD installation block in new buildings, as well as in many types of restoration projects where a core hole is drilled through the wall. It can also be combined with the LUNOtherm facade element.

By means of its reduction screen, three airflow levels can be set: 15, 20, and 25 m3/h. The ALD is thus able to provide ideal and comfortable ventilation of various room sizes with different air requirements.


  • Compatibility
Higher versatility and greater noise protection. Thanks to various design forms and flow rates, it is also compatible with the new e2 and AB 30/60 fans. The basis for these various fans is the 160 circular tube which also enables combination with the LUNOtherm facade element.
  • New vibration control units

In order to improve vibration control even further, experiments were carried out with various forms of vibration control system. A staggered arrangement of polyhedral vibration-control modules proved to be the most efficient option. Using these vibration control units, Dn,W values of 50 and 55 dB were achieved with wall thicknesses of 36 and 50 cm.

  • One for all – One air transfer device for all applications

In working towards improving the level of comfort, attention was paid to ensuring even greater flexibility and a wider scope of possible applications. The Lunos ALDs is now equipped for all fields of applications. A new flow-reduction cover allows the volumetric flow rate to be adjusted to 15, 20 or 25 m3/h. This means that the ALD provides ideal ventilation and comfort in various sizes of room and with various air exchange requirements.

Technical data

Length of built-in device:


360 mm

154 mm

at 8 Pa at 4 Pa
  25 m3/h 18 m3/h
  20 m3/h 13.5 m3/h
  15 m3/h 10 m3/h
Sound Insulation    
Dn, W, open wall thickness add. noise absorbers
50 - 52 dB 360 mm -
53 - 57 dB 500 MM +2

System includes:

1 LUNOS Standard inner screen white

1 LUNOS Outer wall air passage

1 LUNOS Wall-tubes for the series 160

1 LUNOS Outer grille, white

