Partel's newly launched Euroclass A2 IZOPERM PLUS FR system, designed for internal applications in energy-efficient buildings, takes structural fire safety to the next level, by becoming the first fire-rated solution in this class developed in Ireland.
IZOPERM PLUS FR vapour control layer and ECHOSEAL ALU FR adhesive tape make up this non-combustible innovative product system that acts as a protective shield for the building envelope. As a passive fire protection solution, it safeguards critical structural components that slows and confines a fire once it has started. The system was tested and successfully received the Class A2-s1,d0 standard in accordance with EN 13501-1.
“High-rise structures, by their very design, pose particular fire-safety issues. As a result, building codes for high rises emphasize fire-resistant construction. Our integrated technical solution was explicitly built-in response to evolving building requirements to be Class A2-s1, d0 fire-rated facilitating designers, architects, and building professionals to achieve modern resilient buildings.” Hugh Whiriskey, Founder and Technical Director, Partel.

Partel high-performance membrane and tape uses an innovative technology designed and manufactured based on lacquered aluminum laminated with strong glass fibre. Both aluminum and glass fibre are non-combustible, ensuring excellent fire resistance. This unique composition guarantees superior structural stability and durability alongside a high mechanical resistance, which increases the longevity and efficiency of all new build and retrofits projects.
The fire protection qualities of IZOPERM PLUS FR Class A2 products not only improve the safety of buildings, but also reduce energy consumption. The product system is dedicated to being installed in walls and ceiling as an excellent airtight measure, preventing heat radiation and moisture transfer.
Resistant to weather, IZOPERM PLUS FR acts as a breather membrane, while also making the building air and vapour tight, lowering the risk of condensation and increasing energy efficiency in both residential and commercial buildings.
It is suitable in all construction types, especially high rise, public buildings such as hospitals, nursing or retirement homes where building codes and standards recommend much conservative solutions with high factor of safety.
The Partel ECHOSEAL ALU FR tape based on fire-rated adhesive provides greater cohesion, adhesion, and thermal stability to the building structure thanks to its acrylic adhesive technology. The tape provides optimum adhesion on all Partel aluminium based membranes.
IZOPERM PLUS FR product system complies with the latest EU relevant standards, internationally recognized – EN 13501-1, for use in residential and high-rise buildings.
IZOPERM PLUS fire-rated system – membrane and tape - has been extensively tested in accordance with EN 13823 - Single Burning Item (SBI) test and has successfully received the Class A2-s1-d0 standard in accordance with EN 13501-1.
The IZOPERM PLUS FR system's reaction to fire efficiency Class A2 is followed by additional classifications related to:
• s1: provides minimum smoke production if ignited by a fire; s1 being the highest performance.
• d0: with no hot droplets/particles the chance of fire spread to other areas of a building is eliminated; d0 being the highest performance.
The integrated system solution comes with an unmatched 20-year warranty and uncompromising quality from Partel.
“Every year, a significant number of people lose their lives in building fires; minor changes in construction materials and smart replacements could make a big difference and help save lives. Incorporating non-combustible key components in the building structure can withstand fire for a larger duration helping the occupants and firefighters to evacuate safely while maintaining the building’s structural integrity.”, added Hugh Whiriskey.
Both the Partel membrane and tape were introduced in Ireland and are now available in the UK and the United States.